The adventure to New Zealand has begun. We said our good-byes with lots of tears and left Tucson on March 14. Papa and Gigi drove us to LA with all the luggage that we could pack in the car and on top of the car. We squeezed our bodies in and drove the eight hours. We got to our hotel and tried to get some sleep. The next morning we went to the beach with Papa and Gigi to make some memories. As we got to the beach we realized that Landon had a fever....not good...our plane was leaving in less then 12 hours. We took his temp (which was 102 degrees) and started praying. God answered our prayers and 3 hours later his temp was gone without one dose of medicine. We said our last good-bye to Papa and Gigi and organized ourselves to get to the airport. At about 6:00 pm we loaded on the hotel shuttle and headed to the airport.
I (Erin) was dreading this part. I had images of long airport lines and long walks with crying children. To my delight there were no lines and only a 5 minute walk to our terminal. Having 3 kids we had plan on lots of time to get through the security and checked in and we ended up ready to go with 2 hours to spare. We were able to relax and at 10:00 pm loaded on the plane and took off.
The flight was 12 1/2 hours to Auckland, New Zealand. The kids were amazing...and I mean amazing. They slept for 10 hours of the flight! It was a good thing too, because their mom hates to fly and was nervous enough as it was. On our flight we were blessed from God with a concierge named Maggie. She notice that we had three kids, could not sit all together (because there were not 5 seats in a row) and that mommy was stressed. She helped with the kids, chatted about New Zealand, and got tea for Erin!
We landed and Maggie was there by our side once again. She met us at baggage claim and helped us get all of our luggage. She got us through customs, helped recheck our bags and walked us to our new terminal. I am really not sure how we would of done it without Maggie. Thank you Father for putting Maggie in our life!
We then loaded one more plane for a short hour and 20 minute flight to Christchurch. We arrived on March 17 at 10:20 am. When we landed we were greeted by Lynton and Peter both Navigators from Christchurch. And so the journey begins!
Car packed and ready to go!
Tight fit
Luggage is all ready to go.
Yes that is all of our luggage
Only the shuttle
My little troopers
Maggie....such a blessing
Last plane ride and view of New Zealand

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