Saturday, January 15, 2011

????THE BIG QUESTION????????

The BIG QUESTION that everyone is asking us... “have you heard about your Visas?” The answer is, “No.” It
seems like it has been a long time in waiting, but in reality it has only been five weeks since they sent our information over to the Medical Assessor in Wellington, New Zealand because Landon our middle son has asthma. Because his condition is pre-existing it requires approval from a Medical Assessor. So, we probably have one - three more weeks before we will hear anything. We ask that you would join us in prayer right now for our visas. It should hit the top of the Medical Assessor stack any time now. We are praying that he/she will approve our medical paperwork the first round. If the medical assessor has any additional test or questions it will set us back at least another month. We know that God is in control and has perfect timing! We are praying for sooner rather than later.

We are very close!!!!! We need about $150 in new monthly support. We have had a couple of pledges that have not started yet which puts us closer to $300.00 in monthly need. In addition we also need about $5,000.00 to finish raising our outgoing cost. If you have thought about when to start supporting us now would be the time. We are so close and could be 100% funded with as little as 3 new supporters!
Please visit to setup secure online giving.
As always we are so grateful for all God has done through your prayers and financial support.

Those who know your name put their trust in you,for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas 2010

With the plan of moving to New Zealand we didn't want to have a Christmas full of gifts that the kids could not bring with them. So we had an idea and everyone got on board! We went to Disneyland!!!!!! The Marien's were the first to hit the road on December 23 with 18 hours to drive from Colorado. The five of us along with Gramma Jeanne were next to head out in the morning on Christmas Eve. Papa and Gigi Thigpen were not far behind starting their drive that afternoon. Poppies (Haines) had to stay behind just for a little bit to help with the Christmas Eve services at church and joined us on Christmas day.

We all arrived in California and stayed at a hotel right across the street. It was great....only a 3 minute walk to the front entrance. As you can imagine the kids were bursting from the seams and wanted to head right over to start the rides. So we did!

Over the next five days we did everything you could at Disney along with the rest of the world! Disneyland actually sold out!!!!! heard me right...sold out! Although it was crowded everyone was in the Christmas spirit and nice to each other.
Our Last Night...Gigi and Papa had already gone home!

It was such a fun trip....the time with our family was priceless and we made life long memories!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Landon

On December 18th four years ago our Landon came into the world! He has brought so much joy to our family! In these four years I have watched him go from the cutest baby with hair sticking up to a preschooler! Landon loves being with his brothers whom he calls his best friends, he loves loves loves Super Mario and has changed his name to Mario, hugs, pillow pets, Mickey Mouse, coloring, and life itself. Thank you God that you put Landon in our family!!!!!!!! Happy 4th Birthday Landon :) We love you!