Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy 1st Day of Fall!

Although we seemed to skip fall this year in Colorado considereing it went from 75 degrees to 40 degrees in a matter of 24 hours, we decided to celebrate fall. We are excited to see the leafs change colors and enjoy the great food of fall. So what better way to celebrate fall then to make carmel apples. If you know the Thigpens we are food motivated!!!! So this was a fun and yummy activity!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fun Things To Do At Home

Here are some of our favorite things to do when we are just at home!

Playing dish washer! This was a great idea that I learned from my sister. They love it and it last for a good 30 minutes to a hour!

Playing in the Jump Castle!

Riding Anything With Wheels!
