Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Logan!

Logan...can it be true? Are you really turning 8?  I can't believe how much you have grown this year!  You have become such a young man of God and we are so proud of you.  This year you have worked hard at school and it shows, made great friends, love swimming lessons, explore and make science experiments everywhere you go, become an excellent artist, and most of all you have sought truth out! You have had a desire to read your Bible and search for God!  If you did all this when you were 7 and can't wait to see where 8 takes you!  We love you our first born son!!!  Happy Birthday!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

School Swimming Lessons 2012

One thing that I love about the New Zealand Schools is that every school has to give swimming lessons.  Our school goes everyday for two weeks.  I mean really who wouldn't want to go swimming during school! Math or Swimming....not a hard choice!
Landon loves the bus ride there!
 Safety Day
He Loved the boat!
Logan swimming against the current!
 Too much fun!
Safety Day Rocks!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Snow Day 2012

So I know it has been a long time since I last posted on the blog and for this I am sorry!  Why? might ask.  Well, mainly because life has just been day to day busy and surviving.  We have been very busy with our ministry which is great news and busy with the kids.  The last couple of weeks the kids have been sick and were tested for whooping cough (which I did not realize that you can still get if you were vaccinated, but I guess I was wrong).  We are praising God that the test came back negative.  We were all ready to get back to school and normal life when we were hit with SNOW!!!!  They say it hardly snows in Christchurch but this the second year in a row we have had snow and the schools have closed!  Since we had a clean bill of health we went out and played in the snow, ate snow, and stayed warm by the fire!
 Waking up to snow!
 Snow Angels

 Our Snow Man...Levi got too cold and went inside
Yummy Snow with Juice Snack