In the Thigpen house we love Fall Festivals! We started the night out getting ready, which is not an easy task and if you know the Thigpen boys you know that they love to dress up as Super Heroes. So needless to say they were all super excited! We then headed over to a friends house for pizza in the shape of pumpkins and to trick or treat at a couple of houses. After house number one Logan stated, "I love trick or treating!" We then headed over to our chruch (Rock Family) who put on a great Trunk or Treat this year. We had about thirty cars in a circle all decorated, games, costume contest and of course lots and lots of candy. Around 7:45 we headed back to home, but Logan was not ready to be done so we continued with a couple houses around the neighborhood. Landon at this point had totally figured this thing out and would run up to the door and as Logan would ring the door bell Landon would push his face to the window to see if someone was coming. As soon as they would answer the door Landon would say Cricker Creat and then Thank you in his oh so cute little voice. The night ended with three very tired boys, two tired parents, and a bag of way too much candy!

We are ready to Go, Go, Go!

Levi the Fish!

Logan the Power Ranger and Landon the Bat!

Look at all those cute Boys!
Count them! Yes there are 6!

I can't believe how big your boys are getting! They are so super cute!! I sat there starring at the computer for the longest time trying to figure our if they looked more like you or Bry! Miss you guys! Loved the video!!!