Monday, November 24, 2008
Logan's Memory Verses
Logan has started Awanas and is really proud of the verses he is learning. Don't forget to turn the music off so you can hear him!!!!
The Crazy Thigpen World
So what has been happening in the Crazy World of the Thigpens? Everything. Well, we sold our house! What? Yes we sold our house. Being that we are still working on support and trying to still pay off 3 c-sections we decided to sell our house and use the money to pay off our debt! FREEDOM! So in the last couple weeks we have packed our house, had a stomache virus work it's way through our whole family, packed some more, an ear infection, pack some more, strep throat, move our stuff to storage, strep throat number 2, move into the Chalet (temp. housing on the Glen. So now we don't have to find a place until after the holidays!!!!), and now strep number three. So I have decided to go into hiding with my children because we are tired of being sick. No, not really. We are very excited to get to go to Tucson for Thanksgiving with our families and then stay for an extra week to work on our fundraising. So hopefully our sickness will stay in Colorado.
Speaking of Thanksgiving. I would like to take a moment to say what I am thankful for in my life. I am first of all thankful for a God who loves us so much that He sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins. How awesome is that! I am also thankful for all my family and friends who are always there to support us! Well I could go on forever, but I won't. Let me know what you are thankful for?
PS: We are driving, not flying so there will be no crazy flying stories this time!!!!! For that I am thankful!
Speaking of Thanksgiving. I would like to take a moment to say what I am thankful for in my life. I am first of all thankful for a God who loves us so much that He sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins. How awesome is that! I am also thankful for all my family and friends who are always there to support us! Well I could go on forever, but I won't. Let me know what you are thankful for?
PS: We are driving, not flying so there will be no crazy flying stories this time!!!!! For that I am thankful!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Fall Festival
In the Thigpen house we love Fall Festivals! We started the night out getting ready, which is not an easy task and if you know the Thigpen boys you know that they love to dress up as Super Heroes. So needless to say they were all super excited! We then headed over to a friends house for pizza in the shape of pumpkins and to trick or treat at a couple of houses. After house number one Logan stated, "I love trick or treating!" We then headed over to our chruch (Rock Family) who put on a great Trunk or Treat this year. We had about thirty cars in a circle all decorated, games, costume contest and of course lots and lots of candy. Around 7:45 we headed back to home, but Logan was not ready to be done so we continued with a couple houses around the neighborhood. Landon at this point had totally figured this thing out and would run up to the door and as Logan would ring the door bell Landon would push his face to the window to see if someone was coming. As soon as they would answer the door Landon would say Cricker Creat and then Thank you in his oh so cute little voice. The night ended with three very tired boys, two tired parents, and a bag of way too much candy!

We are ready to Go, Go, Go!

Levi the Fish!

Logan the Power Ranger and Landon the Bat!

Look at all those cute Boys!
Count them! Yes there are 6!

We are ready to Go, Go, Go!
Levi the Fish!
Logan the Power Ranger and Landon the Bat!
Look at all those cute Boys!
Count them! Yes there are 6!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
New Eagle Lake Camps Promo Video
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Cute Logan Story
When we picked Logan up from Sunday School we were told the cutest story and want
ed to pass it on to you. If we all had faith like a child! We walked in and a male Sunday school teacher said, "You are looking for Logan, right?" I said, "Yes." He let me know that He wanted to tell us a story about Logan. A couple of weeks ago Logan fell and hurt his leg. The Sunday school teacher asked Logan if he knew who Jesus was. Logan replied, "Yes, He lives in my heart." The teacher then told Logan that he could ask Jesus and He would help his leg feel better. Logan then lifted his shirt up and looked down saying, "Jesus, my leg hurts." Logan stayed looking down for a minute then looked at the teacher and stated, "He is almost done." Logan then waited just a little longer and went to play! I wish I had been a fly on the wall to watch that one. We should remember to have faith like a child and watch the children in our lives, they can teach us a lot.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Fall Is Here!
It is fall time and it shows here in Colorado. I love watching the leaves change (sorry to those of you in Tucson, cactus does not change color it only dies)! It reminds me of how God can change us when we are open to listening to Him and obeying Him. God has changed our family in so many ways through our venture in His ministry. He has brought us closer together as we left our home and comfort zone. God has also taught us and continues to teach us how to trust in Him in everything. I would say that our finances have been the hardest lesson to learn. When you are not sure if you can pay for everything you need, He surprizes you and gives you gifts that you never expect. God has sent us many people who have blessed us. When we come to a point where we think we can't pay for something such as tires for our car God blesses us through His people! Thank you for letting God bless us through you. Sometimes He blesses in big worldly ways and sometimes not as big, but still a great blessing. A great example is just the other day we walked up to Baskin Robbins for dollar scoop Tuesday. A great deal. We brought our five dollars and went to the counter, then from behind a young lady approached us and told us that she was from Fellowship Church and that she wanted to pay for our ice cream. What a blessing from someone we didn't even know. God is always blessing us, we just have to remember to look for His blessings. In this crazy economy I challenge you to look for God's blessings in your life and share them with others. Even though God changes us, He is never changing and always there!!!! What a great God we serve!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Flight Home
I know many of you have been waiting and here it is!!!! The return home. Now I don't want to dissappoint any of you, but it was not as bad as the flight to Tucson, but none the less we still had an adventure. We arrived at the Tucson airport one and a half hours early. We unloaded the car yet again, but this time I got a picture! We get a cart to go in (ridiculous that you have to pay $3.00 for 3 minutes of use) and quickly checked in. We then headed for the one terminal (GO TUCSON) and went through secruity. Being a smaller airport it was fairly easy. We then had a little over an hour until our flight left so we got some breakfast and let the kids walk around or if you are Landon spin around. As we were waiting I noticed that two people got on the plane before pre-boarding. Interesting I thought! They then called pre-boarding and we headed to get on the plane. As we found our seat I noticed the two men that boarded before us and noticed that the shirt of one said security transportation and the other had a jacket placed perfectly over his hands. Yes, you thought it, we had a fugitive on the plane. That was a first for me. Well luckily the plane was not a full and Bryan and I could sit across from each other and help out with the kids. The flight was pretty uneventful except for the older lady who was mentally challenge who kept changing seats throughout the flight. As we began to start the landing everyone buckled up (except one) including the flight attendents. Landon at this point had enough of the plane and threw his binki across the isle. Classic Landon! Luckily it did not hit anyone. Here is the fun part which I had never experienced. As we were starting to land the mentally challenged woman (who did not buckle up) decided to keep changing seats. She got up and the flight attendents started to yell sit down and she did, but then she did it again. They once again yelled to sit and she did just in time to land. As soon as the wheels hit she was up again and heading for the door. At least it kept the attention off of our children :) We landed and made it safely home and headed for our ride (thanks sister)! Well let's just say there is never a boring moment in the Thigpen world!

Friday, September 12, 2008
The last couple of weeks we were able to go to Tucson to visit many of our wonderful supporters. It was such a blessing to be able to see them and catch up. We so appreciate everyone who supports us. While in Tucson we were able to go to Mexico thanks to Papa and Gigi Thigpen who allowed us to use their condo. It was a great break and time with the family. We loved walking on the beach, catching crabs, kayaking, snorkling, and swimming. While we were enjoying the nice warm pools of Mexico Logan taught himself how to swim!!!!! Yes, you read correctly. Logan learned to swim. If you have not read about his swimming journey scroll down and find out about our long swimming journey. He goes from crying during the whole swimming lesson to teaching himself. Crazy kid. Never a dull moment.
Logan Starts Preschool
Friday, August 29, 2008
First time on a plane with 3 Kids
So, first of all I have no pictures since my day was soooooo crazy I did not even think the word camera. Well, incase you did not know we are in Tucson thanking all of our wonderful supporters, but let me tell you how we got here. We left the house at 3:45 to go get Logan from preschool (Yes he had a great day and won a green pencil playing bingo. Does not get much better then that). We head off to Alison's house in Parker. Arrive and hang out for about an hour until Paul comes home. In that hour we give the kids a snack, feed Levi, change diapers, and put everyone in pj's for the late night flight. Paul arrives and we load the three kiddos in the car and head off to the Denver airport which is in the middle of no where. We drive up and the craziness begins. We start to unload. First the double stroller then the two babies. Now we start stacking the luggage on the side. If you have never traveled with three small children they require a lot of stuff. Out come all three cars seats, the pack and play, two check on bags, two carry on bags, the computer, and last the diaper bags. Everyone was looking at us and you could see it in there eyes, "Please don't let them on our flight!" We had to rent one of those carts just to get to the check in counter. Now the lines are formed and people are checking in at the computers, but we need an agent since we have two lap children. The look on her face was not good, she was at the end of the day and we were the last people she wanted to help. Fabulous! So we get checked in two hours early and head to securtiy. Now this was fun. They send Bryan and Logan to one check in and me with the babies to another (Bryan always lucks out). So Bryan and Logan take off their cute shoes and head through the line no problem and go and sit while they wait and wait for us. I in the mean time have to unload the stroller, place each bottle in a seperate container, the formula in a container, take off everyone's shoes (Landon loves his shoes and this did not make him happy), take both babies out and fold the stroller up. The nice gentlemen puts the stroller on the scanner (what was he thinking?) and then relized it would not fit. I then try to go through with the children, but we each have to go through seperately. Might sound easy, right? Wrong. It took a couple of times because Landon wanted to stay with me. So he then melted and on the ground and I got through and then called him through. Poor baby :( I call Bryan to come to the rescue and help. I reload all the stuff back in the diaper bag and start to put on the shoes. The stroller is now getting hand checked. Now we have everyone back in and we are off. We start following the signs to our terminal and for dinner. We then run into the escaltor and we need an elevator. So we start hunting and find one. We get in it and press two for the next level down. We get out and this is a dead end. This elevator does not go to the termals just to the escaltors. You have to be kidding me. We then get back in the elevator and go back up. We find a worker who tells us which elevator to get on. Yes we made it. We get MCD's and feed the children. I then take Logan and Landon to pick out a lolly pop to have on the plane for their ears. Bryan cleans the table and comes to meet us. All he had was Levi and his little bag. While we are 35 minutes until we leave so we quickly head to terminal 34. I go to check the tickets and ask Bryan for them. He hands Levi over and starts looking in his pockets. Yes looking! I am kind of glaring at him thinking, "oh no he didn't". Yes he did. He says, "I know I picked them off the table." I reply, "You didn't throw them in the trash?" Off runs Bryan and leaves me with the 3 kids waiting. About 10 minutes later I see him come back. He hands me the tickets and they were a little wet. YUK and sign they were in trash. Well at least he found them. So we very quickly get to gat 34 and are there for 2 minutes before we board. We get to board early with the kids or so they say. As soon as we reach the gate in comes everyone else. We fold down the stoller and get everything and everyone in. We are finally seated yet not together because of how many kids is not the same as how many oxygen mask. Not good. Bryan takes Landon and I take Logan and Levi. We get buckled up and Logan is excited. He pretty much did not stop talking the entire time. The babies were great and did not cry. What a blessing. The ride was pretty bumpy due to a storm and we finally landed. We wait and are the last off the plane. We then wait for the stroller which took forever. We meet Gigi and Papa and get the luggage and the car seats. Head for the car. Now our stroller is so big it does not fit so Papa straps it on top of the car while Bryan load the three cars seats in and I get the luggage. We head home and put our very tired heads on the bed 8 hours later. Yes with all of that we only saved 4 hours. Worth it? I am not sure. I will let you know after the flight back. So if you think of it pray for us on September 9th and as we travel back.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
R&R in Durango
Well camp is over and we went to Durango for some much needed family time. As many of you may know Durango is a place where I (Erin) vacationed as a kid. So I was very much looking forward to taking my kids where I played, fished, and had lots of great memories. So Bryan and I packed up the car and headed to meet Gramma Jeanne and Poppies at Lake Valecito. After a six hour drive we arrived and Logan could hardly stand himself so Bryan had to take him to the lake and go fishing right away.
The next day we went on Gramma Jeanne's quad. Very fun. Logan loved it, Landon thought he liked it (but was not so sure) and Levi loved watching! We also loved walking down to the playground and playing. Gramma Jeanne and I learned a great lesson while at the playground. We were on the teeter-totter with Landon and Logan. If you have ever seen my mom you would know that most kids weigh more then her. Well, I should of thought of that because my mom and Landon went straight up in the air. It took everything in me to get her down. She got far enough down to let Landon off. Then Logan went to the rescue. We told him to try to get Gramma Jeanne's leg when she came down. He tried, but missed. Then he kept trying and jumped into the air and grabbed Gramma Jeanne's leg and hung on for dear life. I at that point started laughing so hard I couldn't do anything. None the less Gramma Jeanne and I did not return to the teeter-totter again!
Saturday spent some time fishing with no luck and then returned back to the cabin and waited for the Mariens to join us and they did. Now all the cousins were together and the fun was just beginning. We went out on the lake and fishing again. This time Logan caught his first fish! What a kid.
Thank you Poppies and Gramma Jeanne for a great time in Durango and for great memories! We love you!

Fun on the Quad

Good times on the lake!

My First Fish!
The next day we went on Gramma Jeanne's quad. Very fun. Logan loved it, Landon thought he liked it (but was not so sure) and Levi loved watching! We also loved walking down to the playground and playing. Gramma Jeanne and I learned a great lesson while at the playground. We were on the teeter-totter with Landon and Logan. If you have ever seen my mom you would know that most kids weigh more then her. Well, I should of thought of that because my mom and Landon went straight up in the air. It took everything in me to get her down. She got far enough down to let Landon off. Then Logan went to the rescue. We told him to try to get Gramma Jeanne's leg when she came down. He tried, but missed. Then he kept trying and jumped into the air and grabbed Gramma Jeanne's leg and hung on for dear life. I at that point started laughing so hard I couldn't do anything. None the less Gramma Jeanne and I did not return to the teeter-totter again!
Saturday spent some time fishing with no luck and then returned back to the cabin and waited for the Mariens to join us and they did. Now all the cousins were together and the fun was just beginning. We went out on the lake and fishing again. This time Logan caught his first fish! What a kid.
Thank you Poppies and Gramma Jeanne for a great time in Durango and for great memories! We love you!
Fun on the Quad
Good times on the lake!
My First Fish!
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