One year ago today we stepped off that plane to start our new journey here in Christchurch New Zealand. I can still remember it so well as if it were just yesterday. Inside I was being rushed with so many different emotions....excitement, sadness, curiosity, scared, protectiveness for my family, relieved that we had made it, and so much more! It is a hard to believe that so many emotions can happen at one time.
Even as I write this now it is overwhelming to me to realize I still have a lot of the same emotions a whole year later. I am excited for the new year of students and what God is going to do in the group, I am still sad to be away from my family and be missing life back home, I am curious what God is going to do in my own life, I am always protective of my kids, and I am relieved we made it through the whole year of changes in one piece!
PLUS I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU OUT THERE! So many have prayed and supported us in this last year. I can't even imagine how our life would be without such an amazing group of God loving men and women in our lives.