Saturday, March 31, 2012

Logan Cross Country 2012

On Thursday Logan had a chance to run Cross Country at his school with his age group. He worked really hard at pacing himself and did a great job! We were very proud of him and he had a great time!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nav Social Camp

At the beginning of March we had Social Camp with our Student Group. It was a great opportunity to get away, get to know each other, and a great start to the new school year. Bryan and Logan went up for the whole weekend and Erin, Landon, and Levi joined us on Saturday! Here are some great pictures of the weekend!

Friday, March 16, 2012

One Year Ago

One year ago today we stepped off that plane to start our new journey here in Christchurch New Zealand. I can still remember it so well as if it were just yesterday. Inside I was being rushed with so many different emotions....excitement, sadness, curiosity, scared, protectiveness for my family, relieved that we had made it, and so much more! It is a hard to believe that so many emotions can happen at one time.
Even as I write this now it is overwhelming to me to realize I still have a lot of the same emotions a whole year later. I am excited for the new year of students and what God is going to do in the group, I am still sad to be away from my family and be missing life back home, I am curious what God is going to do in my own life, I am always protective of my kids, and I am relieved we made it through the whole year of changes in one piece!
PLUS I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU OUT THERE! So many have prayed and supported us in this last year. I can't even imagine how our life would be without such an amazing group of God loving men and women in our lives.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Student Ministry Website

Over this past holiday (Kiwi Summer/US Winter Break). I worked on re-developing the student ministry webpage with some of the students. It was a big undertaking, but it was also fun and I think it turned out pretty "flash" as they say around these parts. I thought I would share it with you and see what you think. You can check out what we have been up to with the students and there is also some great Bible Study content as a resource for you use as well. If you click on a link in the resource section you can download a printable PDF version of our current study or any past studies too.
Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

University of Canterbury Navigators Ministry 2011

Last year was quite an interesting year for the students and all of us involved in the Navs student ministry here in Christchurch, NZ. It certainly had it's highs and lows from the devastating earthquake in Feb to the entertaining and uplifting events we experienced together as a group. This short video commemorates a bit of the experience in still images. Enjoy!