Landon 5 years ago God gave us you! I am so thankful for that day and can hardly believe you are already 5! I already have so many amazing memories of you!December 18...My Christmas Baby
Landon I can't wait to see all the adventures God takes you on and to make so many more memories with you. Most of all I pray that you keep your wonderful soft heart and that you grow to be a young man that loves our Lord and Savior!
We were on our way back from Dunedin and fell upon this strawberry patch. So of course we had to make a stop. The boys loved looking for the big ripe red strawberries. We collected so many that Bryan was not sure we could eat them all and my response was...have you met our boys? After all the hard work we sat down to enjoy some strawberry sundaes...they were AWESOME!
On Sunday December 4 we headed our to the Christchurch Christmas Parade. We started off with Arthur's Christmas at the movie theatre, some pizza for lunch and then out to the hot sun for the parade. The parade was over an hour long and the kids loved every minute of it!Waiting for the parade to start
Our first New Zealand Hike at Glen Tui. It was a nice day out and a good 1st hike for the kiddos. They did fantastic and lasted the whole 1 hour and 45 minutes! We had fun and just needed to remember to bring bug spray next time!
Logan worked very hard this past term during his Kiwi Sports. They worked on shot-put (with bean bags), long jump, relay races, sprints, discus, and high jump! At the end of the term they got to show off to all the parents. It was a fun day!
~Continued growth in faith in the student community. ~A student focus on reaching friends and family for Christ. ~Strength for our family as we encourage those around us.
~Strong community in the student group. ~God's provision. ~An amazing family of prayer and support partners.
The Thigpen's live in Christchurch, New Zealand. They work for The Navigators of New Zealand as Christian life coaches with the University of Canterbury Navs student ministry.
I enjoy God's creation and exploring it. I love sharing my life experiences with others and connecting with them where they are at in life. I am humbled by God's grace and confounded by His mercy. I am a husband to Erin and Dad to my three boys. I enjoy just hanging out at home and playing with the boys. I thank God for my family every day.
I am a wife and a mother of 3 boys! Life is never boring around our house. I love meeting with young ladies and encouraging them in their walk with Christ. I also love making experiences for our family to enjoy together. My goal is to make wonderful memories. I love Christ and want Him to shine through my whole life!
Logan aka Loganator aka Logeez
Logan is now 7...where have the years gone. He is in Year 3 at school and doing so well. He is becoming such a good reader and loves science. His favorite pass time is looking for rocks, bugs, and discovering. In almost every prayer Logan thanks God for His creation!
Landon aka Lando aka Meatloaf
Landon is five years old! He is so excited that he is now a school boy and is going to learn to read. Landon loves playing with his brothers and loves to play sports. He is very good a kicking the soccer ball around. He is soft hearted and loves to give everyone hugs. Everynight before bed we must sing, "Jesus Love Landon!"
Levi aka Cupcake aka Punkalicious
Levi is 4 going on 18! He is very independent. While going on a hike lately he refused any help and would say, "Levi do it by himself!" Levi has to switches right now...on and off. He goes full speed all day and then crashes at night. Levi loves praying at dinner time and thanking God for everything in sight!