As many of you know we attended our final training in October. It was held at Mission's Training International (MTI) in Monument Colorado! At first we were not too excited to go because it cost a lot of money and was three weeks longs. We thought, "What could we do for three whole weeks?" Well God blew our socks off once again!!! The training was amazing! Here is just a taste of things we learned and did while we were there!
*Meet amazing people who are on similar paths!
*How to exit our world and enter others
*Conflict management with family, teams, and people we will work with
*Paradox (two feelings with one experience)
*How to handle transition
We were even taken hostage in a little box with 21 people
(that was an experience)
*Healthy Good-byes
*Importance of Sabbath and Rest

Our MTI Family!
What was really great was the kids that their own class and were learning the same things at their age level! We were truly blessed by the training and feel that we are better equipped to leave for New Zealand!
Aunt Michelle
Aunt Sandy