So we have had season passes to Sea World so when Logan decided he would rather go to Sea World then have the sleep over he was thinking about we jumped on it! We jumped in the car for a last minute trip and headed to Sea World! We had such a blast and made great family memories!
When you live in Tucson it is a must to learn to swim as soon as possible! So both Logan and Landon had swimming lessons with Miss old friend of the Thigpen family! They loved it! Logan can now swim laps in the pool and Landon can jump off the diving board and swim to the side! Poor Levi was not old enough and very luckily a friend let him come and play at their house during the lessons!
This year we spent the 4th with Gramma Jeanne, Poppies, Cousin Drew, the Crawfords, and the Moores! We had a great time and drove down to Patagonia for Fireworks....we had seats right under them!