Saturday, August 2, 2008

Logan's Race Car Room/Fun in the Sun

Over the past week or so I (Erin) have been working on painting Logan's room. He decided on race cars. I was able to work on it for most of the day today because Bryan was home and was able to watch the kids. Yes, I chose the hottest day yet (and we do not have a/c), so while I was in the hot house slaving away Bryan and the boys spent the day outside playing in the water. Way more fun! Here are some pics (and a video) of Logan's room and fun in the sun!



  1. Loggies...I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR GREEN Room!! It is awesome GO SPEED RACER!! Hi Meatloaf...I loved it when you said cheese!! Love you boys Auntie

  2. did such an awesome job on Logans room! It looks great! Love the video, so cute!
