Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Day to Remember

We took a day to rest and the next day we attended a memorial for the victims of the February 22 earthquake. It was held at Hageley Park. There were about 10,000 people there. They honored the people who died and encouraged those who survived to rebuild and honor Christchurch. Prince William was even there representing the Queen. It was about two 1/2 hours long. It was nice to get a feel for where the city was at and where they wanted to go.Memorial ServiceThe boys be so patient doing the serviceA building nearbyA car on the walk home that had been crushed by a chimney


  1. hey we live 2 blocks from the third photo, of the buildings. by the way, they just demolished those this week. =(

  2. Oh friend...I am sooooo glad that you guys got there safely and had such a smooth trip! I was praying for y'all! I can't believe you are in NEW ZEALAND!!!! AGGGHHHH! How exciting! What a memory making day this was...I'm sure your boys will remember this for a long time!
    Love you guys and am praying for this time of transition!
