Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cute Logan Story

When we picked Logan up from Sunday School we were told the cutest story and wanted to pass it on to you. If we all had faith like a child! We walked in and a male Sunday school teacher said, "You are looking for Logan, right?" I said, "Yes." He let me know that He wanted to tell us a story about Logan. A couple of weeks ago Logan fell and hurt his leg. The Sunday school teacher asked Logan if he knew who Jesus was. Logan replied, "Yes, He lives in my heart." The teacher then told Logan that he could ask Jesus and He would help his leg feel better. Logan then lifted his shirt up and looked down saying, "Jesus, my leg hurts." Logan stayed looking down for a minute then looked at the teacher and stated, "He is almost done." Logan then waited just a little longer and went to play! I wish I had been a fly on the wall to watch that one. We should remember to have faith like a child and watch the children in our lives, they can teach us a lot.



  1. That is so precious! You will have to tell me HOW you got Logan to even stay in Sunday School long enough to have this sweet story! Gary and I have not been able to get back to church since Noah was born 15 months ago! We keep trying to leave him in the kid's room to be called back 5 minutes later (some day 10 mins!). Then we miss the service because we have a toddler who can't sit through. Very frustrating. We really want to get back to church but just don't know how to do it! Thanks for the great story and I will pray for your requests.

  2. I love my loggies!! Nothing teaches a mom how to have child like faith like your babies!!

    Give my babies a kiss from Auntie...if you can catch Meatloaf of course!:)

  3. HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY DEAR!!! I hope your day was a wonderful one that you so deserve!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Erin-
    You and Allison have totally inspired me. I have read your guys blogs for awhile now...and I have finally joined the ranks...I am officially a blogger. Now, I don't know if my life will be anywhere near as crazy and excited as yours...but your welcome to read the blog.
    I'm so glad I have a way to keep up to date with y'all. I love you!!! Praying for you guys!!!
